
When's that BAABBY Due?!?!?

. . . today actually . . .

However, here I sit, Kaydance still nice and cozy in my womb. I did my very best today, to persuade her to get a move on.

Today, my dad, mother, husband, Paulie and I went to Yosemite National Park. Our goal: hike to the top of the Giant Redwood Loop to see the Fallen Tunnel Tree. Total, my mother and I hiked 5 miles. 2.1 miles up and I mean STRAIGHT up and 2.9 miles down. We took a detour to see some other trees, helping us meet our 5 mile goal.

As I tromped through the wonderful Redwoods, I found many a tourist looking at me with a awry gaze. One said, "Move over Henry, she's due today . . ." as if my water was going to break right there and take him out. Another onlooker commented, "It looks as if she is gonna have that baby at any moment." I find this funny, because earlier in the day, a wonderful woman looked at me with amazement when she learned that my due date was today and not 4 weeks from now, as she had silently deduced from my rotund form. Needless to say, I was entertaining to watch . . . Oh yeah, and STILL pregnant.


Unknown said...

ahahahha i can't believe they said you were due today....did you tell them that you were indeed...due....TODAY?

Denise said...

your amazing.

enjoy every moment just the two of you till baby arrives...and then enjoy your lifetime together as parents!

may God go before you.

Anonymous said...

come on baby... we know you want to come out!