. . . but that did not hold me back from going to the Chocolate Wine Festival this weekend. I have wanted to go for the past three years, but have not had the chance to attend. So today, after Kaydance's nap, I had planned to go. Of course, this meant I needed to actually get out of my p.j.s, take a shower and do my hair. All three relatively menial tasks that should not be such an issue. However, this mama is sick. I have some sort of crazy cold that has me coughing up a lung, a headache that could rival any migraine I have had in years and some SERIOUS sinus pressure. All make accomplishing previous mentioned tasks, difficult to say the least.
But there was wine AND chocolate. So, Kaydance went down for her nap and this mama got in the shower. I even did my hair. It is amazing what a little wine and chocolate will do for motivation. Kaydance had a blast. She got to spend a good portion of the day on the playground and enjoyed her share of swings. Mommy and Gama enjoyed some quality chocolate and partook in some local wines. I highly recommend the dark chocolate covered cake batter truffle. Yum!
Enjoy our afternoon . . . I sure did . . . sick and all.
Whether we want to admit it or not, what our parents told us when we were young is truth . . . A good life you must make for yourself, it does not just come to you. Michel and I are wanting to do just that, live life and do so abundantly. Though we do not always do it perfectly, I guarantee you this . . . there will be laughs and blunders, tears and triumphs. This is our life and for some reason, we decided to make it public . . . I know we are crazy, right . . .
I can't help it . . .
We all need friends like this.
Someone to listen, someone to hold
Someone to give you support in times of need.
Or just someone to lean on when at the end of the day, you are just plain wiped out.
Giving Emmy some loves . . .
What???? She is 1??!?!?!?!
So, I have had issues . . . It was not until the day before her birthday that it officially hit me. The memory of her birth was a tidal wave of emotions that hit me over and over that day. While picking out plates I found myself getting crazy emotional. I was a blubbering mess when I received her first birthday card. I choked back tears when her gama came over to give her birthday gift to her. Throughout the day, I would look at the time and suddenly the year prior would spring forward. I have put off writing this because I needed to be able to type it out with the assistance of water works.
My baby turned one a week and one day ago. She has brought so many wonderful blessings to our lives. She is a bundle of joy. She does everything with enthusiasm. Her smile warms my heart and as cliche as it sounds, I can't even remember what my life was like before her. Well I lie, I do remember what sleeping in felt like. Oh how I miss that . . .
The day went exactly as planned. I was able to celebrate my daughter's first year with family and close friends. I am so thankful for all those that have shared this wonderful year with us.
My baby's stats:
20lbs . . . on the dot
29" in length
Size two diapers
6-9mo. clothes
Sz. 4 shoe
You have 4 teeth with 2 on the way
You walk!!!!!
You can stack blocks
You open a close doors
You say so many words it is difficult to remember the ones that I have already mentioned. Needless to say, you are very talkative.
You sign "all done" and "more"
We love you sweetie. What a year it has been . . .
A leave of absence . . .
Over the past two months, I have taken a close look at how I spend my days. One blaring truth was quite apparent. The ratio to computer time to chore time was in no way even. The time I spent on the computer greatly out weighed the time I spent doing chores. Now, you might think this to not be such a big deal, but when the chores pile up and my stress level reaches a boiling point, something has got to give. So, I took a slight leave of absence from the computer for the past month. I have found that rationing my computer time is the key. Chores were finished, quality time was spent with my family and most of all, my sanity was left intact for the month.
Of course because of my break, some very important blogs were left unwritten. For instance, we went on our annual trip to Mammoth. The baby turned 11 months. Oh and she also turned 1 year!!!! What in the world???!?!?!? So I will catch you up over the next few days. But for now I will leave you with a few pics from our trip to Mammoth.
Kaydance was a rockstar. She took to camping like a pro and had a blast. Unfortunately my family was not able to come with us this year. So it was different and new. I found myself kinda lost for the first couple of days. However, with some nice hikes, some much anticipated Looney Bean Coffee and some great runs around the town, I found my stride and enjoyed myself throughly.
Of course because of my break, some very important blogs were left unwritten. For instance, we went on our annual trip to Mammoth. The baby turned 11 months. Oh and she also turned 1 year!!!! What in the world???!?!?!? So I will catch you up over the next few days. But for now I will leave you with a few pics from our trip to Mammoth.
Kaydance was a rockstar. She took to camping like a pro and had a blast. Unfortunately my family was not able to come with us this year. So it was different and new. I found myself kinda lost for the first couple of days. However, with some nice hikes, some much anticipated Looney Bean Coffee and some great runs around the town, I found my stride and enjoyed myself throughly.
Am I crazy?????
So I know I am not alone. But in 10 days, my family of three will spend 11 days camping. One of the three is 10 months old. I am nervous for many reasons. One, that the noise from the campground will hinder her sleep. She has such a great schedule right now, I do not want to mess with that. Two, that she will start having night wakings again, she has slept through the night since 8 months. Three, that said night wakings will wake people in our campground, thus labeling us as "that family." Four, that all three of these things will happen and I will go insane. All this to say, I am nervous . . . BUT I know how great it will be for her to experience a past time that her mommy and daddy love so much. We got a little baby tent and plan on putting it in the truck, while Michel and I sleep with the dog in the tent. I think that this will help a bit with my reservations.
So, anyone out there have any tips???? If so, please please please share!!!!
Oye Vey . . .
Disclaimer . . . I usually am not one to complain. I have an amazing daughter. But the last two days have just about pushed me to my limits.
This has been my life for the past two days. Where did my sweet, easy, good natured baby go??? Anyone else dealing with this? I might explode if I find out I am the only one.
This has been my life for the past two days. Where did my sweet, easy, good natured baby go??? Anyone else dealing with this? I might explode if I find out I am the only one.
Summer Days!!!
Summer days here in Oakhurst bring many things. There are a lot of hikes. There are long runs for mama because she does not work. There are vacations from the hotness that living in the foothills of the central valley bring to us daily. But, as good as all of this sounds, when you are ten months old, nothing and I mean NOTHING trumps this . . .
10 Months/Mama's Accomplishment
A lot has been accomplished in this past month. We had our first Easter, mother's day, our first, second, third and FOURTH tooth. We are eating pretty much anything we can get our hands on, saying mama, dada, baba, nana (not sure what that means yet) and most recently, started to say byebye. You are down to two naps and sleep a solid 12 hours at night. Mama can now sleep through the night. That is FANTASTIC!!! Personally I am pretty happy with the next accomplishment, mama has reached her first fitness goal.
Easter was fabulous. Auntie Cella came to visit and we went on a hike. Easter dinner was great. We had ham and enjoyed the company of each other. It was a fantastic afternoon.
Mother's Day was a lot of fun this year. It was the first one I had. Well I had one last year, but I was pregnant. This year, it meant so much more to me. Waking up that morning, walking into Kaydance's room, being greeted with that HUGE grin of hers, made my heart swell. For a moment, I understood, just a little bit, what true, perfect love was about.
We went to church and ate some great food with some good friends. I have decided that on the years that we are alone, I want to always go over to friends houses for the day. It was great to share it with friends.
Well, true to form, Kaydance decided to not only cut her first tooth, but her first four. Everything she does is all in or nothing at all. Why would her teeth be any different. She had a tough time with the fourth one, but other than that, did pretty well.
You are very vocal now, lil' Darlin. You are also SUPER fast at crawling. You climb up the bean bags all the time and have no problem getting to where ever you want to be. You are crusin from thing to thing, but not letting go yet. We got you one of those push carts and believe that you will figure the thing out soon. Right now, you push it all over the house while crawling.
18lbs. 14ozs.
29 "
6-9 mo. clothing
Size 2 Diapers
Mama's Accomplishment:
I am running 15 miles a week now. Mostly I run that WITH the stroller. Occasionally I am able to run without the stroller because dada or grammy relieves me for a bit. Those are wonderful days. I am able to run a lot further on those days. I am also 3 inches smaller around my waist than before. It is amazing how even with all that change, I am still not into my old shorts, but you know what, I am feeling pretty good.
My new goal, to train for a half-marathon. I would also like to do that marathon with the stroller. I think that it is super important to not only take great care of myself, but to also teach Kaydance how to live a healthy life. I feel that it would be great to cross that finish line by myself, but to do it with her too, would be even better. So here's to my new goal . . . Ready Set Go!!!
Happy 9 months!!!!
You are 18 lbs, 5 ozs. and 28" long.
You are still wearing size two diapers
You wear anywhere from 3 mo. to 9 mo. size clothing.
You have been so incredibly flirty with everyone and I think you know how charming you really are.
you cut your first tooth and and literally the very next day, cut your second
You wave hi and bye
You are pulling up on everything
You stole your daddy's heart with your peach Easter dress and I am so mesmerized by you. You move us sweet baby. We love you.
An Update . . .
Well I must admit, the last few days have been spectacular. I have had many wonderful runs. I am so very happy that I decided to do the 40 day challenge. Though I have still yet to loose 1 single pound on the scale, regardless of how much I run or how much I give up, food-wise, I have noticed some changes. For one, I fit into a pair of pants that I have not fit in since before Kaydance was born. I also tried on my bridesmaid dress for Pete and Jess's wedding and I must say, I did not mind how I looked. So I will keep on, keepin on. Pictures to soon follow.
8 months and Growing by the Minute!
28 inches long (90th percentile)
17.6 lbs (25th percentile)
3-6 month clothes typically, but you fit into 9 month pjs
Sleeping through the night more now
Eating 3 meals a day and beginning to incorporate snacks
Still breast feeding 5 times in a 24hr. period
Favorite foods are still ANYTHING with fruit in it.
You are on the go ALL the time
Down to two naps, just do not always sleep so great for the first one.
Love our daily runs together. Seriously, you literally squeal in delight when you see the stroller.
You have learned the word "no touch" . . . just do not always follow it :)
You say all kinds of things now. Ma, Ba, Da, Pa are some of your favorites.
You LOVE to stand . . . always crawling someplace to pull yourself up on something.
You love the outdoors, but I kinda knew you would. Look who your parents are!!
We are looking forward to this next month. Some things we hope to experience with you are many more lovely hikes, swimming and who knows, maybe so cruzin' is in our future. Love you sweet girl!
Day 20 - Half Way
Today we ran my Hill Run. It is three miles with two large hills. Running with a stroller can be difficult at any point. Running these hills without a stroller is hard enough. Add the sucker in and gaw . . . talk about near impossible. Each time I run the thing with the stroller, I ask myself why. All I can say is the feeling that you get after you do something that is white knuckle difficult, is worth it all. Well that and this little face . . .
So Sunday I thought I would make up some minutes lost over the week due to the storm, scheduling conflicts and just pure mayhem and did AB RIPPER X from P90X, ran 2.5 miles and built a trench and hauled trees (did this for 30ish minutes). It felt good to be so active. It was finally feeling like Spring outside and I had to go take advantage of it.
My abs hurt like non other afterwards. I have not done that particular ab workout since before i was pregnant with Kaydance. I used to be pretty good at it. This time, I huffed and puffed the entire time. The one thing I found most interesting about the workout, was that the ab exercises that used to kick my butt, did not hurt at all. The ones that did hurt, were impossible to do and just left me plain worn out, used to be the easiest ones for me. To say the pregnancy does not move things around is just erroneous.
My run was outstanding because I got to do it alone. I only had about 30 minutes of sitter time, so I had to settle for 2.5 miles only, but it felt great non-the-less. While coming back from the run, I noticed some standing water near our house that needed to be drained. So, left the baby with daddy while he worked on a deadline and off I went with a shovel. The water now has a great drain, my hands have blisters and my grandpa would be so proud of me.
My abs hurt like non other afterwards. I have not done that particular ab workout since before i was pregnant with Kaydance. I used to be pretty good at it. This time, I huffed and puffed the entire time. The one thing I found most interesting about the workout, was that the ab exercises that used to kick my butt, did not hurt at all. The ones that did hurt, were impossible to do and just left me plain worn out, used to be the easiest ones for me. To say the pregnancy does not move things around is just erroneous.
My run was outstanding because I got to do it alone. I only had about 30 minutes of sitter time, so I had to settle for 2.5 miles only, but it felt great non-the-less. While coming back from the run, I noticed some standing water near our house that needed to be drained. So, left the baby with daddy while he worked on a deadline and off I went with a shovel. The water now has a great drain, my hands have blisters and my grandpa would be so proud of me.
Lame Post
So, there are a couple of different posts that are due. This one is neither of those. This one is just a vent session. So if you so desire, you may close this window. I will not be offended.
Today I got ready to go to two different baby showers. It is rare these days when I get all "pretty.'" So I pulled out some clothes that had not fit since Kaydance was born. After two weeks of kicking my butt, I figured that maybe, possibly they would fit. Well . . . that was a no. In fact, I felt like they were tighter than before. I am sure it was all an illusion and in the end of my 40 days, I will laugh at this post, but for now, it just kinda sucked.
So seeing as I am not one to complain without incorporating some sort of plan of action, I have decided to make a cut to a veteran team member . . . Goodbye sugar. So in a week, we will see if that did the trick and some pounds start a fallin.
Today I got ready to go to two different baby showers. It is rare these days when I get all "pretty.'" So I pulled out some clothes that had not fit since Kaydance was born. After two weeks of kicking my butt, I figured that maybe, possibly they would fit. Well . . . that was a no. In fact, I felt like they were tighter than before. I am sure it was all an illusion and in the end of my 40 days, I will laugh at this post, but for now, it just kinda sucked.
So seeing as I am not one to complain without incorporating some sort of plan of action, I have decided to make a cut to a veteran team member . . . Goodbye sugar. So in a week, we will see if that did the trick and some pounds start a fallin.
Days 14 and 15
It is snowing/raining/cold here right now. So P90X and the gym are my two friends. I did KempoX yesterday. All I can say is, "Tony Horton, I love you, hate you, love you, hate you . . . ." Today I ran at the gym. I did 3 miles and then had to go home to take care of Kaydance while daddy went to work. Tomorrow, Tony and I will meet again.
So we hit the two week mark. If not every last muscle on my body was not screaming in agony, begging me to stop, I would go so far to say, I am not even sure it has done much good. Yes, yes, I do believe there has been some visible change. However, the scale has not dropped ONE DAG GUM POUND!!!! What the crim-it-netly!!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?!? I like to tell myself that it is because I am gaining muscle and loosing fat, but I find that as comforting as a wet blanket in the middle of a snow storm.
Never fear, I will continue. Partly due to my stubborn, By God I will conquer, attitude. The other part you can blame on my grandmother. I can still hear her now, "Talitha, once you sign up for something, you had best see it through." Well Betty Lee, here's to you . . . .
So we hit the two week mark. If not every last muscle on my body was not screaming in agony, begging me to stop, I would go so far to say, I am not even sure it has done much good. Yes, yes, I do believe there has been some visible change. However, the scale has not dropped ONE DAG GUM POUND!!!! What the crim-it-netly!!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?!? I like to tell myself that it is because I am gaining muscle and loosing fat, but I find that as comforting as a wet blanket in the middle of a snow storm.
Never fear, I will continue. Partly due to my stubborn, By God I will conquer, attitude. The other part you can blame on my grandmother. I can still hear her now, "Talitha, once you sign up for something, you had best see it through." Well Betty Lee, here's to you . . . .
I am not doing my 40 today. Read below, I wrote this to a friend today. This will explain my reasons for be a slacker face. I am going to sleep now,
Well last night was a disaster and I am sure I did everything wrong. My child couldn't breathe because of all the snot. So she slept on her own from 6 until 9. She woke in a start, screaming. I went in and it was clear she could not breathe and this was why she woke. So I cleared out her nose, this pissed her off, so I then nursed her and she ate like nobodies business. I felt so sorry for her because she was obviously hungry, but was having difficulties because of her breathing issue. She took an hour or so to go to sleep and I could not go to sleep because I was too busy listening to her cough and struggle with the snot in her sleep. At 3 she woke again, I nursed again and once again she ate like nobodies business. Once again, had difficulties falling asleep. At 5, I went to her because she was upset and brought her out on the bean bag so she could sleep head up. I was hoping the mucus would drain a bit. She slept there, waking on occasion from 5 until 7:30. Every time I tried to dose off, she would stir violently and it would require me to rock and soothe her back to sleep. I think she might of gotten a total of 7 hours or so of sleep. She normally gets 14 or so a night. Poor thing . . .
Sick Baby = 3 hours of sleep = no 40 :(
Well last night was a disaster and I am sure I did everything wrong. My child couldn't breathe because of all the snot. So she slept on her own from 6 until 9. She woke in a start, screaming. I went in and it was clear she could not breathe and this was why she woke. So I cleared out her nose, this pissed her off, so I then nursed her and she ate like nobodies business. I felt so sorry for her because she was obviously hungry, but was having difficulties because of her breathing issue. She took an hour or so to go to sleep and I could not go to sleep because I was too busy listening to her cough and struggle with the snot in her sleep. At 3 she woke again, I nursed again and once again she ate like nobodies business. Once again, had difficulties falling asleep. At 5, I went to her because she was upset and brought her out on the bean bag so she could sleep head up. I was hoping the mucus would drain a bit. She slept there, waking on occasion from 5 until 7:30. Every time I tried to dose off, she would stir violently and it would require me to rock and soothe her back to sleep. I think she might of gotten a total of 7 hours or so of sleep. She normally gets 14 or so a night. Poor thing . . .
Sick Baby = 3 hours of sleep = no 40 :(
The past two days . . . 10 & 11
Sunday was my day of rest. My husband informed me of this when I told him of my resolution. thank the good Lord for that amendment to the rules, because this body needs a rest! OUCH!
This morning I awoke to a barking dog. After a couple wake-ups last night for my lil darlin, precious sleep was so needed. My hubby tries to take the 8-10 shift in the morning so I can get a couple hours sleep after a long night. This morning was no different, minus the random wake up by Paulie.
I walk out to discover some of michel's interns in my kitchen. Oh and the power was out. Oh joy, this must mean no coffee . . . nope . . . enter these two lovely contributions and you have some wonderful coffee!
So for what I did today for my 40 minutes . . . nothing! Of course we had no power, a massive snow storm the night before and no means of fixing the situation any time soon.
Then the sun came out! Praise God! Power came on tonight after we did this:
Tomorrow I run double . . . pray for me, it is going to suck :)
This morning I awoke to a barking dog. After a couple wake-ups last night for my lil darlin, precious sleep was so needed. My hubby tries to take the 8-10 shift in the morning so I can get a couple hours sleep after a long night. This morning was no different, minus the random wake up by Paulie.
I walk out to discover some of michel's interns in my kitchen. Oh and the power was out. Oh joy, this must mean no coffee . . . nope . . . enter these two lovely contributions and you have some wonderful coffee!
So for what I did today for my 40 minutes . . . nothing! Of course we had no power, a massive snow storm the night before and no means of fixing the situation any time soon.
Then the sun came out! Praise God! Power came on tonight after we did this:
Tomorrow I run double . . . pray for me, it is going to suck :)
Days 8 & 9
Yesterday I went for a run. I was told that it was to be the last nice day for awhile up here in Oakhurst. Two storms were coming and would make running outside a bit difficult. So I RAN . . . . only 3 miles, but there is a rather large hill on this run and I did that twice. I did not have the stroller today, so I felt like Superwoman!
Today I went to the gym. I like the gym, because you can read while working out. I get to get caught up on all my trashy gossip mags while biking and sweating my butt off . . . literally . . . hahahaha :)
Today I went to the gym. I like the gym, because you can read while working out. I get to get caught up on all my trashy gossip mags while biking and sweating my butt off . . . literally . . . hahahaha :)
Not that this has anything to do with my resolution, but couldn't resist. Here is my lil one on her first St. Patties. So dang cute!
Day 7 - Tummy Pic #2
I hurt . . . but feel pretty good. Today's workout was another round of P90X. It is raining so my options were limited.
Here is my second tummy pic . . . un-edited.
Day 6 - For Japan
Today I write to pass on something more important than my resolution to workout for 40 days. I did run today, but let us focus on this instead:
Please pass this along . . . I could not even imagine.
Please pass this along . . . I could not even imagine.
Day 5
Today I had to go to work early due to Early Release at OES. So during Kaydance's nap, I was forced to workout at home . . . . inside. So, Cardio-X and I met in my living room. My hip flexors are so angry . . . Swing Kicks suck.
Day 4 - Yosemite Falls Hike!!!
Because I was ill prepared and did not bring my camera on the trail, you will have to wait to see actual photos of me and mine. Some friends came along and they took plenty of pictures. So I will post those when I get ahold of them. Until then, please take a look at the map that shows you that we only hiked 3+ miles, BUT ascended and descended 1400 feet while hiking those miles.
The pink line on the far left, was our hike.
This was not the actual picture of what we saw, I will post the read deal later. However, this gives you an idea. What we saw was FAR better and the ice dome at the base of the Falls was MASSIVE!
Day 3
Miles completed: 3
My lil companion . . . totally content.
After the run, Kaydance found her own little way to workout. This box gave her hours of entertainment.
40 . . . Day 2
So I was only a little sore this morning when I woke up. I was the kinda sore that I used to be after one of my 6 mile runs. Only, I ran just 3 miles yesterday. Some might say . . . "Well yes Talitha, only 3 miles. But you did it with a stroller." Yes, I did, but I huffed and puffed the entire time. I kept re-living a conversation I had with my sister-in-law. I told her that with every hill, all I think about it my birth story. I think that if I can do that, I can run up any mountain. Well . . . I walked yesterday . . . so . . .
Day 2 . . . I ran in Goldside. Total miles . . 3.5. I walked up one hill, but only part way. I did not do it with a stroller. My hubby was nice enough to stay home and watch the lil darlin as she slept. So I sweat on my own.
Day 2 . . . I ran in Goldside. Total miles . . 3.5. I walked up one hill, but only part way. I did not do it with a stroller. My hubby was nice enough to stay home and watch the lil darlin as she slept. So I sweat on my own.
After seeing this pic, Man am I ever happy that I have picked this as my lent goal.
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