
Am I crazy?????

So I know I am not alone.  But in 10 days, my family of three will spend 11 days camping.  One of the three is 10 months old.  I am nervous for many reasons.  One, that the noise from the campground will hinder her sleep.  She has such a great schedule right now, I do not want to mess with that.  Two, that she will start having night wakings again, she has slept through the night since 8 months.  Three, that said night wakings will wake people in our campground, thus labeling us as "that family."  Four, that all three of these things will happen and I will go insane.  All this to say, I am nervous . . . BUT I know how great it will be for her to experience a past time that her mommy and daddy love so much.  We got a little baby tent and plan on putting it in the truck, while Michel and I sleep with the dog in the tent.  I think that this will help a bit with my reservations.  
So, anyone out there have any tips????  If so, please please please share!!!!


Oye Vey . . .

Disclaimer . . . I usually am not one to complain.  I have an amazing daughter.  But the last two days have just about pushed me to my limits.

This has been my life for the past two days.  Where did my sweet, easy, good natured baby go???  Anyone else dealing with this?  I might explode if I find out I am the only one.

Seriously . . . all day.  Not sick, not teething as far as I can tell, haven't a clue what the problem is.

This is my baby usually . . . Just happy to be.  Beautiful, isn't she???


Summer Days!!!

Summer days here in Oakhurst bring many things.  There are a lot of hikes.  There are long runs for mama because she does not work.  There are vacations from the hotness that living in the foothills of the central valley bring to us daily.  But, as good as all of this sounds, when you are ten months old, nothing and I mean NOTHING trumps this . . .