
Happy 9 months!!!!

You are 18 lbs, 5 ozs. and 28" long.

You are still wearing size two diapers

You wear anywhere from 3 mo. to 9 mo. size clothing.  

You have been so incredibly flirty with everyone and I think you know how charming you really are.

you cut your first tooth and and literally the very next day, cut your second

You wave hi and bye

You are pulling up on everything

You stole your daddy's heart with your peach Easter dress and I am so mesmerized by you.  You move us sweet baby.  We love you.


An Update . . .

Well I must admit, the last few days have been spectacular.  I have had many wonderful runs.  I am so very happy that I decided to do the 40 day challenge.  Though I have still yet to loose 1 single pound on the scale, regardless of how much I run or how much I give up, food-wise, I have noticed some changes.  For one, I fit into a pair of pants that I have not fit in since before Kaydance was born.  I also tried on my bridesmaid dress for Pete and Jess's wedding and I must say, I did not mind how I looked.  So I will keep on, keepin on.  Pictures to soon follow.


8 months and Growing by the Minute!


28 inches long (90th percentile)
17.6 lbs (25th percentile)
3-6 month clothes typically, but you fit into 9 month pjs


Sleeping through the night more now
Eating 3 meals a day and beginning to incorporate snacks
Still breast feeding 5 times in a 24hr. period
Favorite foods are still ANYTHING with fruit in it.

You are on the go ALL the time

Down to two naps, just do not always sleep so great for the first one.
Love our daily runs together.  Seriously, you literally squeal in delight when you see the stroller.

You have learned the word "no touch" . . . just do not always follow it :)
You say all kinds of things now. Ma, Ba, Da, Pa are some of your favorites.
You LOVE to stand . . . always crawling someplace to pull yourself up on something.

You love the outdoors, but I kinda knew you would.  Look who your parents are!!

We are looking forward to this next month.  Some things we hope to experience with you are many more lovely hikes, swimming and who knows, maybe so cruzin' is in our future.  Love you sweet girl!