So I know I am not alone. But in 10 days, my family of three will spend 11 days camping. One of the three is 10 months old. I am nervous for many reasons. One, that the noise from the campground will hinder her sleep. She has such a great schedule right now, I do not want to mess with that. Two, that she will start having night wakings again, she has slept through the night since 8 months. Three, that said night wakings will wake people in our campground, thus labeling us as "that family." Four, that all three of these things will happen and I will go insane. All this to say, I am nervous . . . BUT I know how great it will be for her to experience a past time that her mommy and daddy love so much. We got a little baby tent and plan on putting it in the truck, while Michel and I sleep with the dog in the tent. I think that this will help a bit with my reservations.
So, anyone out there have any tips???? If so, please please please share!!!!