
I'm 2 weeks old!!!!

The past two weeks have been nothing short of the best two weeks of my life. Since Kaydance danced into out lives, life has taken on a different meaning. Many gave us advice over the 10 months that we were pregnant. Most were something like, "Get sleep now, you will never sleep again." Another "favorite" was, "go see as many movies and go out as much as you possible can now, because once she comes, you will never be able to do it again." Advice that I "received" was more negative than positive and both Michel and I began to wonder why people have children to begin with, if all the advice they can give you is dripping with negativity. Regardless of the advice given, both Michel and I knew that having her, was orchestrated by God and would be nothing but the most amazing time of our lives.

After 31 hours of labor, our time in the hospital was perfect. We could not of asked for a more perfect time. We were given the suite at St. Agnes and because of this, Michel and I were guaranteed that we would not have a roommate and Michel would be able to stay with Kaydance and I for as long as we were there. Our time there was so great, there have been times that I have wished that we were there again.

Kaydance has hit many milestones. She aced her hearing test while in the hospital. She did excellent at her one week appointment. She sleeps like a champ at night and eats wonderfully. She has reached her birthweight in the time allotted. She sleeps in her crib at night with no real issues. She has had her fussy moments, but overall, she is a very low-needs baby and is easily pleased. She has had many first-time visits around town. She went to the coffee shop yesterday, has gone to church and went to the lake today for Carli's birthday party. We are having a blast and can't wait for many more first-time experiences.

So, even though, we were given advice like, "Sleep now, because you will never sleep again," I believe that what should of been said is, "Although you might loose a few hours of sleep here and there, the moments that you will share will make up for it 100 times over." I would give up every sleepless moment to have just one of the new experiences I have had as Kaydance's mother. What a blessing we have been given . . .


crazyblessedlife said...

great blog! I told everyone when I was pregnant with Noelle that when she woke up at night I would NEVER complain.I said that I was going to count it a blessing that I get to spend time with her. The seasoned moms said, " yea, wait till you actually have her." I have to say, that though Noelle would wake up at 12am and be awake till 6am many nights just talking I never complained. I LOVED those precious moments with her. I LOVED my midnight talks with my precious daughter. I'm glad to hear that you are counting your lack of sleep not as a curse but a blessing too :). Enjoy mommyhood!

lauren & aaron said...

Amen!!! I was surprised by all the depressing advice I got! (Although, I did find myself wishing that I'd gotten a full night of sleep the night before she was born!!) So glad you're enjoying it. I think the one thing everyone tells me that's absolutely true is that is goes by SO FAST! I can't believe how big Micah is and what she is already doing. I'm torn between loving the milestones and "firsts," and wishing it would all just slow down so I could drink it all in!!

Anonymous said...

A wild and crazy two weeks, huh? So many firsts...

I pray that for every element of your old lives that you must modify due to Kaydance's needs, she will give you half a dozen new elements in your lives that enrich them and make you wonder how you ever lived without her.



Alexandra Michel said...

you said it girl!!!!! having a baby is the best life changing experience ever... sure a few more hours of sleep would be sweet... but nothing beats those little wiggly toes and gigantic yawns:)