
Do-dads and Birthday Surprises!

. . . Do-dads . . .

So yes, I make trinkets for little heads now . . . who would of thought!

A gift for a sweet little one . . . Not too shabby for my first REAL attempt.

. . . and Birthday Surprises!

I have been blessed by an amazing group of students this year. They have very dear, tender, caring hearts and have been nothing short of a true blessing all year. We have 4 weeks left of school and I will be very sad on my last day with them.

This wonderful class provided me with Birthday muffins, Birthday lunch, Birthday flowers and Birthday presents (a pedicure and Yodigity yogurt)!!!! They rocked my birthday this year!



My mother-in-law is an all-star! She took the following pictures. They were taken in Oakhurst at Fresno Flats and off of Rd. 600, in Ahwahnee.

There were many others. You will need to look at my facebook photos if you would like to see those.


A future fashionista?

The local skate-shop was having a sale and DADDY gave in and bought Lil' Darlin' her very first pair of shoes.

I will say that I was surprised, I figured that I would be the first to "crack" and make the first spontaneous, un-budgeted purchase for our sweet girl. Daddy, I have to say, you keep going like this, you are gonna buy a "kitty" some day.

The next day at school, at colleague told me of a sale that Babies-r-Us was having. The LAST thing I need for Lil' Darlin' is more clothes. A seasoned mommy has already given me a TON of clothes, with promises that there will be more throughout Lil' Darlin's first few months. All that said, the deal was too enticing and this mommy loves to buy clothes. So with coupon in hand, I met a good friend and went a shoppin . . . .

Seriously, how adorable are these?!? Lil' Darlin' is gonna be one stylin little chic!


Admit it . . .

You have done it . . . You are in a hurry. There is no time at all to stop to look at the fun $1 section of Target. You have a mission, find gift, card and random kitchen item and get out. There is no time for anything else! Then it hits you . . . being pregnant makes this just that much worse . . . you have to pee!

So, you run into the bathroom, breaking the cardinal Target Rule, with non-purchased merchandise in hand to get the job done and get out. You find the closest stall, ignoring that "small voice" telling you to spend the time to find the stall that was used the fewest amounts of time in-between cleanings.

Hold on one moment . . . back up . . . on a regular visit to the Target bathroom, one is careful about which stall they choose. I tend to use the one that is furthest from the door and always check to make sure that there is toilet paper and toilet seat covers. I also do a quick spot check around the toilet to check for shady looking water puddles and will usually wipe the seat with toilet paper before applying the toilet seat cover.

Now back to the earlier conversation . . . so despite my better judgment, I ran into the closest stall, did not do my usual routine, went to grab the toilet seat cover and was faced with a choice. There were no toilet seat covers. The CHOICE became, do I leave this stall, get into the now-forming line and wait for one with toilet seat covers? Or do I choose door number two, which is grab toilet paper and make it be a substitute for the missing cover?

It took me all of two seconds to make that decision. I know you know what I chose, otherwise there would not be a blog about it. I begin putting toilet paper on the seat. Now, when one uses this method, they have to make sure they use enough that it stays put, but not so much that it becomes too heavy and slips into the toilet before you can actually sit on it. In this case I was a bit stingy and . . . well . .. .

I sat and miraculously, it stayed put, BUT this was the part I left out. If you do not put enough, it does not create the proper seal, thus becoming useless and unsatisfactory. Whatever was left by the last user, will seep through and you will find yourself in a very soggy situation. I found myself wishing I had just sucked it up and gotten back in line!

Needless to say, I learned a lesson this day . . . ALWAYS listen to that "small voice" when using the public restroom. Otherwise, you might find yourself in desperate need of a bidet.



At 27 weeks, many new things have transpired. First, I now feel Lil' Darlin's hiccups daily. They are so cute . . . I read that this is one of the ways that God designed our little ones to develop their lungs. How amazing is that? It totally blows my mind how intricate and unique our God is in what He creates.

A few of my favorite things . . .

Second, I have been so blessed by so many already. Below are a few of Lil' Darlin's present thus far. I have wanted the BOB since before i was pregnant. My wonderful, generous parents surprised me with it at my L.A. baby shower. I am so excited to strap her in and "go a walking."

Third, below are some of the outfits that I have received as gifts. I am blessed to have some good friends who are allowing me to borrow some of their daughter's precious clothes. But, it is nice to receive some new things as well. I have plans to bring her home in the cute little navy blue outfit. The shorts that were given to her, are so small and SO adorable. The bathing suit has a ruffle-butt, and we all know how I feel about those. The green dress is so "us." There is one more dress that my sister gave Lil' Darlin' that I am saving for another blog . . . so fear not Lindsey, it will make an appearance.

Fourth, I have been given many wonderful friends that have blessed me with gifts and advice. I thank the good Lord for blessing me with each and everyone of them! I love you all and am so thankful and grateful for each one of you.


My Hat goes off . . .

So two mornings ago, I awoke to a familiar pain. Off and on, I have this "neck issue." It is where one can't move one's neck more than 5 degress. Seriously folks, I could not move it to the left . . . AT ALL. Throughout the day it got progressively worse, as if I believed that was even possible. I went home and got out my trusty neck heat sock. My wonderful hubby applied some "goop" that my friend Candace made me buy last year while in Mammoth. This morning, I am able to move it almost 45 degrees and am very thankful. So . . . my hat goes off to the wonderful inventor of the heat sock!!!!!! I seriously heart you!


A L.A. Shower . . .

This past weekend, I packed my car up with three women and a little lady. Myself, Kat, Candace and her little girl Emmy drove down to L.A. this weekend for my very first baby shower. Each lady was given strict instructions to pack as lightly as possible, due to us having to bring back all the wonderful gifts that I was to receive in L.A.

We made it in record time to L.A. and spent the first day prepping for the shower extravaganza. I tried on over 20 dresses that day in hopes of finding a shower dress. No luck!!!! Everything was too big. However, we found a beautiful skirt and my sister let me borrow one of her tank tops for the day. I was set! I introduced Candace to 21 Choices and spoke highly of Saturday morning's breakfast, 42nd Street Bagel. I went to bed that night, excited for Saturday's events.

Saturday morning we walked to 42nd Street Bagel, where Candace had her first honey-glazed bagel. It was a spectacular event! We came home and got ready for the afternoon's shower.

Lindsey did a spectacular job! She planned everything perfectly, down to the very last detail. I had Buca di Bepo, red velvet cupcakes, wine for the guests and a fun virgin drink for myself and lil' darlin'. Please take a look at Lindsey's blog for all the wonderful details of the day.

I received so many wonderful gifts from all of my friends and family. Lil' darlin' and I are so blessed to have all of you in our lives! I had such a wonderful time and could not of asked for a better day. From receiving my BOB, to all the cute little outfits for Lil Darlin', we are two very blessed girls!