The local skate-shop was having a sale and DADDY gave in and bought Lil' Darlin' her very first pair of shoes.

I will say that I was surprised, I figured that I would be the first to "crack" and make the first spontaneous, un-budgeted purchase for our sweet girl. Daddy, I have to say, you keep going like this, you are gonna buy a "kitty" some day.
The next day at school, at colleague told me of a sale that Babies-r-Us was having. The LAST thing I need for Lil' Darlin' is more clothes. A seasoned mommy has already given me a TON of clothes, with promises that there will be more throughout Lil' Darlin's first few months. All that said, the deal was too enticing and this mommy loves to buy clothes. So with coupon in hand, I met a good friend and went a shoppin . . . .
Seriously, how adorable are these?!? Lil' Darlin' is gonna be one stylin little chic!
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