
You're a month old, lil' darlin

I cant believe that a month and two days ago, you were born. Time sure does fly. You have accomplished many things in your short time with us. You have been such an incredible blessing to us and we are so thankful for the gift that you are. God blessed us with a beautiful daughter who brings smiles to our faces daily. We love you lil' darlinKaydance.


- You do pretty good holding your head up. It is still a bit wobbly and Uncle Nick wont hold you yet because of it, but you are getting there.
- You smiled for the first time yesterday. What a beautiful smile it is.
- From day one, you have slept through the night with only one wake-up around 3:30 to eat. You do so quickly and go back to sleep without any issues.
- You are a wonderful eater and I love our special time together.
- Bath-time and Tummy-time have become less of a negative experience and more a positive one. We love this time with you.
- We find out this Friday how much you weigh, but I am guessing around 10 pounds, which is perfect.
- We love our hands and legs even if we are not quite sure what they are.
- You love little kisses from mommy and daddy . . . it lights up your eyes.

We love you darlin and can't wait for many more wonderful milestones in the future!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love my little niece! i think she's smiling in the first picture!