Whether we want to admit it or not, what our parents told us when we were young is truth . . . A good life you must make for yourself, it does not just come to you. Michel and I are wanting to do just that, live life and do so abundantly. Though we do not always do it perfectly, I guarantee you this . . . there will be laughs and blunders, tears and triumphs. This is our life and for some reason, we decided to make it public . . . I know we are crazy, right . . .
5 years ago today . . .
Love you honey!!!!
She loves you too!
3 months old!!!
Disclaimer: Well this is a couple of days early, but I have time now to write it and do not want to forget come Friday.

My lil' darlin . . . what a month you have had!!! You were in your first wedding and looked beautiful doing it! Your Auntie Cella and Uncle Johnny looked wonderful, but I thought you stole the show :) Your Auntie Lindsey and Uncle Nick got married so you made your first trip to Laguna Beach. You touched sand for the first time and met your cousin Henry while there. You two got along wonderfully and are well on the road to being best cousins for life!

- You notice people so well now. You track those you love the most, interact with babies and smile constantly. One of my favorite moments so far was yesterday morning. I walked into your room to get you out of your crib and you blessed me with the LARGEST smile.
- You are officially sleep trained and nap trained. This was one of the hardest things this mommy has ever done, but you took to it well.
- You are literally seconds from laughing, you make little goo noises now, but have yet to get the chuckle behind it.
- You are officially a string-bean . . . you are 10lbs. and some odd ounces, but measure over 25" long.
- You eyes remain blue as of now and the rest of your hair has begun to come in and it remains a true RED!
- During tummy-time, you hold yourself up so well and have begun to get your "back into it." I can't wait for you to roll and to crawl . . . months from now, I know . . .
- You are sleeping in your crib for all sleep times now. Your noisy breathing has begun to clear up, just like they said it would.
- You dance in the bath and it truly is your favorite time of day!
- Although you are still consistently in NB sizes, your legs prove to be a bit of a problem. You should be in 6mo. close due to your length, but NB sizes fit your little waist. This will prove to be interesting later on in life. Mostly for your daddy, I am sure . . . a long-legged beauty queen is all a dad ever dreams of having ;)
I love you my dear, you are the light of our world and can't wait for all the wonderful moments to come. Happy 3 mo. birthday sweetie!!!
A runnin we will go . . .
Truly, what I would LOVE is a spin bike. I could do that in-doors and help with my endurance and give me a kick-butt workout on the days that running is not possible. To be honest, it would probably take over running altogether. But, a good spin bike costs around $400 on craigslist last I checked. So . . . . running we will go. Stay tuned, I will update you from time to time on this mommy's quest to get this butt back in shape!
Kaydance is pumped and ready to go!!!
Tomorrow . . .

Wrapping my brain around the idea that my little sister is getting married and NOT running down the hall in diapers, determined to wrap herself around my leg, has been something I have been putting off. I know that she is 26 years old and has been an adult for sometime, but I think my paradigm has yet to be fully altered and re-focused on the truth. I know that it has a lot to do with me not wanting to see the truth for what it is. But as the eldest of three, seeing my sister get married will be one of the happiest moments, but at the same time hardest moments that I will probably go through.
You see, she is marrying a wonderful man, who will treat her right, challenge her to be a better woman and direct her down the right path in life. I truly could not imagine a better man for the job of my sister's husband. He has all the necessary abilities to do the job well. He is quiet when my sister is loud. He is focused when she is flustered. He is a leader when my sister needs to follow. He is laid back when my sis needs to chill out. He really balances her out in ways that a good husband should.
Knowing she is marrying the right man and that she will live a life full of laughter and constructive growth, makes October 10th a good day. However, knowing that on that morning, she will be dressing up for her wedding and not some party . . a tear will pass. My little sister has truly grown up into a wonderful, beautiful, professional woman. I am proud of her. I love her. So tomorrow I will drive to L.A. to watch my sister experience the best day of her life and marry the man she loves.

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