Wrapping my brain around the idea that my little sister is getting married and NOT running down the hall in diapers, determined to wrap herself around my leg, has been something I have been putting off. I know that she is 26 years old and has been an adult for sometime, but I think my paradigm has yet to be fully altered and re-focused on the truth. I know that it has a lot to do with me not wanting to see the truth for what it is. But as the eldest of three, seeing my sister get married will be one of the happiest moments, but at the same time hardest moments that I will probably go through.
You see, she is marrying a wonderful man, who will treat her right, challenge her to be a better woman and direct her down the right path in life. I truly could not imagine a better man for the job of my sister's husband. He has all the necessary abilities to do the job well. He is quiet when my sister is loud. He is focused when she is flustered. He is a leader when my sister needs to follow. He is laid back when my sis needs to chill out. He really balances her out in ways that a good husband should.
Knowing she is marrying the right man and that she will live a life full of laughter and constructive growth, makes October 10th a good day. However, knowing that on that morning, she will be dressing up for her wedding and not some party . . a tear will pass. My little sister has truly grown up into a wonderful, beautiful, professional woman. I am proud of her. I love her. So tomorrow I will drive to L.A. to watch my sister experience the best day of her life and marry the man she loves.

Im crying!!!! Thank you this post was really what I needed to hear/read today. I love you and I can't wait to see you!!!
I really feel you. When my brother got married I felt the same way. It just really jars you in a way you cant antcipate. You are a great example for her to follow. In some ways it is exciting for you relationship with her to evolve and reconfigure. But I know it is hard too. Good luck on the drive tomorrow- you are very brave-and good luck with your heart as well.
Wow, Tal you are amazing at writing your feelings for us to read & to feel the love and proudness of the older sister. I spilled some tears too!! Have a wonderful drive down. See you Friday.
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