
What???? She is 1??!?!?!?!

So, I have had issues . . . It was not until the day before her birthday that it officially hit me.  The memory of her birth was a tidal wave of emotions that hit me over and over that day.  While picking out plates I found myself getting crazy emotional.  I was a blubbering mess when I received her first birthday card.  I choked back tears when her gama came over to give her birthday gift to her. Throughout the day, I would look at the time and suddenly the year prior would spring forward.  I have put off writing this because I needed to be able to type it out with the assistance of water works.

My baby turned one a week and one day ago.  She has brought so many wonderful blessings to our lives.  She is a bundle of joy.  She does everything with enthusiasm.  Her smile warms my heart and as cliche as it sounds, I can't even remember what my life was like before her.  Well I lie, I do remember what sleeping in felt like.  Oh how I miss that . . .

The day went exactly as planned.  I was able to celebrate my daughter's first year with family and close friends.  I am so thankful for all those that have shared this wonderful year with us.

My baby's stats:

20lbs . . . on the dot
29" in length
Size two diapers
6-9mo. clothes
Sz. 4 shoe
You have 4 teeth with 2 on the way

You walk!!!!!
You can stack blocks
You open a close doors
You say so many words it is difficult to remember the ones that I have already mentioned.  Needless to say, you are very talkative.
You sign "all done" and "more"

We love you sweetie.  What a year it has been . . .



Unknown said...

These are days you will never get back. Forget the laundry when she wants you to read to her. Allow her as many explorations as possible. That is my vote, so that you know, no matter what their choices are, that you have given it everything.

Ryan & Heather said...

Adorable, Tal! She is such a cute combo of you two...I'm so glad you have enjoyed this past year with her. I hear you on the sleeping in thing, sister!