I know. It has been awhile. I have no real excuse. One week became one month and one month became two and then the idea of playing catch up was just so daunting. I had thought about trying to make it all up. My last post was before the Holidays. So in theory, those events should of been recorded. However, I am just gonna chalk it up as a loss and begin again.
Life in Oakhurst right now is good. Michel is truckin' along with youth group. He comes home frequently with grass stains, proof that many a hike or some form of tom foolery has occurred. Needless to say, he typically enjoys his Summers.
I, however, have difficulties viewing this season with such positive perspective. Largely because it is difficult to see with all the sweat pouring down my face. It is just stupid
hot here. This means we are stuck inside and both myself and Kaydance do not do well under such conditions. I think that the public school systems just need to realize that Summer vacation would be so much better in the Fall.
- picture by Candace Tallmon |
Kaydance is ridiculous. She is such a joy to have in our lives, sometimes I just look at her and pinch myself. Really, God you gave me this? I am in a Bible study right now and there was a lesson about how the disciples had difficulties seeing more then just a speck of what God had for them. I think before Kaydance was placed in our lives, I viewed my life in a similar way. I can't believe how large my story board is. God really did spoil me and was just showing off when he created our little bug.
Daddy favorite cave near Yosemite Falls |
She is 2. She turned 2 a week ago. She is 28lbs and flippin 38" tall. Seriously, keeping pants on this kid is just a joke. She wears a size 18m waisted jean but I have to buy only certain 2T pants. Some are longer than others. She is smack dab in the middle of potty training, which leaves us never with a dull moment. She loves, love LOVES water. Has a somewhat unhealthy addiction to all things Tangled, sings us songs, knows her numbers to 20 and can point out most letters. Blessed. That is what we are . . .
Amma took pictures of her under the water . . . |
Love you bug |
Spa time :) |
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