My husband leaves the bedroom with his .40 caliber and maglight in hand, and I wait, listen and try not to imagine the worst. I hear the front door open, I am imagining that Michel is going to use the element of surprise and round the side of the house to catch the perpetrator in the act. It was obvious that the terrorist was in the back. I see the maglight shine into the backyard and scoot further down in the covers and squeeze Paulie just a bit tighter. I lay in wait of any sound that might give clue to what is going on outside. I hear nothing . . . I decide that all must be well outside and begin to breathe again . . . but not too much, just in case. At this point I begin to imagine that at any moment someone was going to bust into our room while Michel is outside. It is at that point that I hear the front door open. I lay in wait, hoping, praying that it is Michel.
Michel quietly comes into the room, I wait for him to let me know what had happened. He does not say a thing. I ask, "So, what was it?" He says, "Well, we have one less raccoon for a neighbor."

so did he shoot it or just scare it off with the gun?
I had a feeling I might get the story faster via the blog. lol I'm confused though, when did you hear the shot??
At 2:45 in the morning, any loud sound sounds like a gun going off when you know that your husband brought one out, "Just in case." I guess it was actually the raccoon running off and as he did, he knocked a bunch of metal sheets over.
Gotchya. See, you left that part of the story out.. the part where you peed yourself in bed.
You all are gangsta! Poor one out for the fallin' raccoon..(<;
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